Vancouver, BC: — Rev. Margaret Marquardt guided the parish retreat at the St. Mary the Virgin South Hill church last July 27. It was a time for reflection, meditation, and prayer. Rev. Marquardt is the Chair of the Diocese of New Westminster Justice and Peace Unit.
The Parish Council adopted the theme of the Creation for the parish retreat and used the quote from Genesis 1:3, “God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.”
After the opening hymn “Give Me Oil in my Lamp,” Rev. Marquardt read an excerpt from Psalm 37: “Commit your life to the Beloved, confident that Love will act on your behalf, Making clear your pathway, bright as the sun at midday. Be still before the Beloved and wait quietly in the Silence….”
Guided by Rev. Marquardt, each of the participants finished the sentence “I am blessed because ……….:” and talked briefly about the simple blessings in each of their lives.
For the retreat activity, everyone took a short walk outside and brought “something beautiful” back to the group. The collection of flowers, a feather, a tree branch, stones, berries, and sprigs of evergreen brought from the outside were gathered on the table. From this activity, each one gave a thoughtful sharing and reflection of the retreat’s creation theme.
The group discussion that followed also touched on the dangers to God’s creation in the form of mining, especially in countries like the Philippines, and to those who defend the land. Excerpts from Genesis, Deuteronomy, the Psalms, and the writings of John and Jeremiah were also read.
Rev. Marquardt read the short prayer: “Source of life, I pray that I be given the courage to allow your love to be deeply rooted in me.”
Light lunch and socials ended the retreat.###