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Monday, October 7, 2024

St. Mary the Virgin Church Say No to Racism!

Vancouver, BC. — St. Mary the Virgin Church-Anglican, also known for its Migrant Ministry, held its regular Migrants Mass last Sunday, Sept 15, 2024, in joint service with Migrante BC. The service focused on prayers on dismantling racism in full support of the call for a Canada-wide Days of Action to “Say Yes to Immigrant Justice and No to Racism”.

In the ”Prayers on Dismantling Racism” as part of the Prayers of the People read by the Migrante member and the reader from the church, here are some excerpts:

“In our efforts to dismantle racism, we understand that we struggle not merely against flesh and blood, but against  powers and principalities, those institutions and systems that keep racism alive by perpetuating the lie that some members of the family are inferior and others superior…. Help us to create a Church and nation that embraces the hope and fears of oppressed People of Colour where we live, as well as those around the world.”

“In our efforts to dismantle racism, we understand that we struggle not merely against flesh and blood, but against  powers and principalities, those institutions and systems that keep racism alive by perpetuating the lie that some members of the family are inferior and others superior…. Help us to create a Church and nation that embraces the hope and fears of oppressed People of Colour where we live, as well as those around the world.”

At the Hall, after the fellowship, Rev. Expedito Farinas and the congregation held up posters and flyers for a group photo to say, “Say Yes to Immigrant Justice and No to Racism”. The other signs said, “No to Labour Trafficking”, “Unite Against Racism and Xenophobia,” and  “Stop War and Militarism that displace us and tear our communities apart.”

The Sunday Migrants Mass, prayers, sharing, and support were nicely timed with the other actions across Canada by eight (8) cities and communities united to demand permanent residency for all migrants and to  reject the racist scapegoating of migrants for the housing, healthcare, unemployment, and rising prices. Migrante Canada members collaborated with Migrant Rights Network for Canada-wide actions of rallies, marches, programs, and protests from September 14-15. 2024.

Migrants have always been the convenient and easiest scapegoat of the problems in Canadian society, especially in times of crises. Remember the anti-Asian sentiment and attacks during the COVID-19 pandemic when Asians were portrayed as the cause of the pandemic.” The September actions expose these myths and present the facts.

The myth says that Migrants cause unemployment. The fact is that billionaires are stealing jobs and profiting from layoffs.

The myth says that Migrants cause the housing crisis. The fact is that corporate landlords are raising the rent and evicting tenants.

The myth says that Migrants are lowering wages. The fact is elite-loving politicians are stopping wage growth.

The myth says that Migrants are to blame for the affordability crisis. The fact is grocery monopolies are to blame.

With racism and xenophobia on the rise, here are the Myths on migrants and the Facts to prove these Myths wrong!

St. Mary the Virgin Church located at 808 E50th Street in Vancouver holds its Migrants Mass with Migrante BC on the third Sunday of each month. All are welcome! ###

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